STEM Workshops
Photos from the ComSciCon-Atlanta conference. ❤️
For many years, I organized summer programs around sustainability, climate change, and electrochemistry; taught classes on the intersection between science and the arts; and even started a non-profit focused on climate change education and activism through music. This meant I was hanging around a lot of scientists and engineers, and as I spent more time with them, I recognized that folks in STEM are as creative as anyone in the art. They present (or “perform”) for peers and funders and students as much as most working artists. Yet (!) they rarely have space to learn and practice the art of performance.
I gave my first workshop in 2021 at one of the workshops I ran (Next Generation Electrochemistry). Since then, through an interactive workshop — you learn performance by doing, folks! — I’ve shared with hundreds of doctoral students and postdocs how opera singers learn to perform, take up space, and command audiences through a variety of exercises. They learn how to be more effective communicators and I get the pleasure of seeing them embrace their creative, artistic spirits.
If you’re looking for something different for your colloquium, workshop, class, or other group event, please shoot me a note to figure out what we can do.